Our mission is to provide our customers with the very best house and roof washing that gently removes stains and grime without damaging your paint, trim, siding, or roofing. Our professional expertise and experience allows us to dial-in the perfect combination of temperature, pressure, detergent, and technique.
Our founder Michael Nachurski has over 20 years of experience in pressure washing, and the depth of his hands-on experience is unparalleled. If you’re looking for a truly knowledgeable pressure washing expert, Michael Nachurski and the team at Church’s Exterior Solutions are there for you.Throughout our history we have developed superior technology and processes with one goal in mind – a clean and beautiful home! We are the choice for many homeowners, realtors and businesses. Why do so many individuals choose us for their exterior cleaning needs?
• Convenient Hours
• Quality Service
• Competitive Pricing
• Superior Technology
• Full Line of Services
• Trained Technicians
The customer always comes first. Give us a call today!